@umlaugdifmv It comes up enough that I personally just have gotten one for my business.

Nobody really checks it and I haven’t used it for much but it’s useful when some sort of government agency asks for it.

I don’t really see the downside, in any case. But I wouldn’t pay them any money to “fix” ours.
@umlaugdifmv Yeah I’ve spent basically no time and absolutely no money with it. According to Quickbooks, which can display your score, ours is in the top range. No clue why.

I’ve entered it when putting us on the government SAM page, which a client asked for once. I think that did require a DUNS number, but I’m not positive.

Literally the only times I’ve used it actively are for government sign up related things.

And D&B has called once, I’ve said I’m not interested, and that’s been the only interaction thus far.
@umlaugdifmv Getting a DUNS number isn't really your choice. Dunn & Bradstreet assigns a DUNS number once one of their reporting members has identified you as a legitimate business entity. You are then added to their database and you begin collecting experience from any other vendors that also report to D&B. If you are a new bsuiness you can apply for one before they find you through other means, but it will be relatively worthless unless one of their partners is reporting credit experience for your company.

I have two companies, never registered for a DUNS, they found me first. I couldn't even tell you what my number is... If someone partners with D&B they have the tools to find you and your number from their portal. I do the same when I run a check on a new client.
@umlaugdifmv It’s ridiculously hard to find out how to get one by design. They want to upsell you on their BS services. I took over a month to get mine. I have put it on a handful of applications for different distributors in the past 5 years but couldn’t tell you what my score is nor do I care.