Day 2- At what Age did you decide to Start with Business and what motivated you to do so?


New member
Firstly, thanks for all the responses y’all sent yesterday. I really appreciate it. So today, I spent over 40 mins coming up with these questions; feel free to base your responses on them.

Onto the intro,
We’ve all got that moment, that sparks that ignites the desire to be our own boss, to build something from the ground up. Whether it was moving lawns as 15YOs or frustration with the corporate ladder later in life, what was the turning point that led you to Entrepreneurship?

For those who started young (teens, 20s):
- Did you have a particularly successful childhood hustle that fueled your passion?
- Were you encouraged by family or mentors to pursue your own ventures?
- How did balancing school or other commitments with your business aspirations work for you?

For those who started later, here’s some questions for you:
-What specific event/experience make you decide to strike out on your own?
- What skills or experiences from your previous career have been the most valuable in your entrepreneurial journey?

Looking back, would you say there’s an “ideal” age to start a business for your personality type? (I know in a general sense, the answer would be ‘it depends’, but I wanna know for you being in your 👟 👠 👞)

P.S.- Got to know 17 awesome people yesterday. If you wanna do the same check my post history. Again, mods if there is any issues with my post I’m okay with taking it down.
Q I got yesterday- will I spam?
A- No, as I said I won’t be asking the same NPC questions like “how do I make $XXXX in 2 months?” But I want to go a level deeper and find the ‘secret sauce’ that made an idea work for that someone and gain insights from it.
@huthamcauquan1 26 went I opened up my retail business. I was influenced by a mentor that I had during a college internship. The freedom and the impact a business can have on a community is what fueled my decision
@huthamcauquan1 I first went into my own business when I was 14 making websites. My dad encouraged me. I got just a few clients over two years - family and family friends, so I wouldn’t consider it “particularly successful” but it was a decent chunk of change for my age. What was successful was I learned to develop websites and it became my career even though I never went to school for it.

I went on and off self employment for the next 20 years. I just make more money working for a corporation in my field, I got offers I couldn’t refuse. So currently I work full time for big tech and own an ecommerce business on the side with my husband (it is his fulltime job).

For all of this my key skills are essentially “good with computers” and “good with money”.
  • What skills or experiences from your previous career have been the most valuable in your entrepreneurial journey?
As a graphic designer, I learned more in my first job than I did out of school however it ultimately taught me how I didn't want to run a business. The way my previous employer ran things made sure that I set immediate boundaries with clients regarding communication, that I charged my worth on projects, made sure clients were clear on when and how i'd be communicating with them. If you don't set boundaries with clients you go from having 1 bad boss to 10.

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