Day 5 - 8 of 1000 Build In Public Journey


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Lead up posts a the bottom of this post if you are new:

Pt 1: Understanding Copywriting with "Scientific Advertising"​

On Day 5 of 1000 (leadup to day 0) I started reading about Copywriting and how I can improve marketing, language and advertising. I started reading the book “Science Of Copywriting”.

I converted my thoughts into an article here:

The main reason why I am trying to churn out articles is because more articles means better SEO for pages where your article exist.

Furthermore, my strategy with launching any project is:
  • Get users (free or paid)
  • If users are down to pay - great
  • If more users prefer free, then I will implement ads strcutrure
I know in the dev community and not just the dev community, a lot of people hate ads. But Hulu, Youtube, you name it, they all exist greatly off ads. If my product/ tech is valuable enough and you hate ads, you will pay for the sub tier. If you don’t hate ads, you will keep using free, but at least I will make rev from ads.

So in applying to google Ads you need a consistent release of about 40 articles, that they deem is the amount to consider your site viable for their service.

So for any project I launch this is the basic, barebones rev plan.

I would like to post more, but this 1000 days of build in public has been a double edged sword.

It has made me incredibly productive

But at the same time, making sure I post an update of what I have accomplished has been the hard part.

I am actually behind on the post updates, in reality I am on Day 19. But I don’t want my update post to be too long so I am just going to go over Day 5 - 8 in this post.

Pt 2 theYouuProject Content​

Following on with Pt 1. And the content discussion, ideally I would be able to get through 2 pieces of content/ day for theYokoProject, but that is a tough challenge. Combined with coding, business and marketing, consistently releasing content is tough. But this will give me some leeway to schedule out work, in case I have a day where I get super busy with coding or some other meetings and things popup.

So I will strive to get 2 pieces of content out every day, for the sheer purpose of having a backlog of content that I can schedule out over the next few days so it seems like I have no gap in release.

How I typically work through my content for theYouuProject is by snipping up renowned scientists podcasts, content and material. I then dissect the content, find any peripheral sources, and then plan a protocol that I can build out with the given episode, post, or content.

As I mentioned before I am focusing on content for theYouuProject first then I will start incorporating more protocols, and coding up some cool tools and features.

Today I am going over 2 topics:

Engaging in No Fap :
  • I specifically picked this because the community around no-fap is crazy. And it will get a lot of engagement. Once I bring in an audience member interested in pursuing No-fap they will also see other posts, tools, etc that is present in theYouuProject.
  • This strat i call “come for 1 thing stay for the rest”
How to use Caffeine as a tool to optimize motivation, focus and drive:

  • I am a big Latte drinker
  • There is a lot of misinformation out there about whether caffeine is good or bad for you.
  • Granted its not for everyone, I hope to present some of the beneficial aspects of caffeine as far as dopamine, focus, motivation and drive goes.

Pt 3 Doing some research on leveraging YouTube for growth​

I really don't want to clog up this post too much, so check out the post itself to see what I learned about youtube growth strat here:

Pt 4 Creating the video​

I made 2 viedos to add to my Vlog on youtube:

Pt 5: Preparing for Stealth Energy Project Demo Day!​

This is like the 100th demo day we have had.

Every time we do deal runs, we find things to improve.

I think this will be the last one before we really let the system run loose and have thousands of businesses buying and selling energy on the platform!

So I need to make sure it's perfect. Hence the all nighter

Sometimes we just need that sacrifice to really push things to the end.

The biggest feature add of the all nighter was the ability to create buyer agents for larger scale energy buyers. Essentially how they work is, they have many sub cities under them that they can buy energy for. This whole process needs to be integrated and made super easy to follow so users are not really scratching their heads on how it all works.

There were a bunch of changes that needed to be made that I won’t go into but, I will verbally cover them possibly in the vlog that I am making where you can accompany me in an all nighter trying to maintain focus for both coding and the meeting at 8am at the end of the all nighter.

Day 8 of 1000 Thu Aug 17th 2023​

Day 8 was meeting day and just a carry on over of yesterday

All nighter means I don’t do too much once I burn out

Also today is chef day, so video content releasing what chef made is always fun

I will also be releasing a video, something along the lines of “Do an all nighter with me!” – which will end with Chef day

Basically it is how I am able to manage all nighters, which yes you can say is unhealthy. But I believe they are just a part of a serious business journey. I feel like sometimes you just need to get to it and deliver what needs to be done in the time frame.

And this ends up resulting in all nighters.

Sometimes you just can’t let that momentum go to waste.

Having said that, I believe the project as far as the core platform goes has come to an end.

Now its just a matter of on boarding as many energy buyers and sellers as possible. We already have a tonne of giant players waiting to use the platform.

But the exciting part of this all is when we get to 100 mil + of rev per month.

For a team of 1 dev is insane.


If you are just joining in on my 1000 days of Build In public Journey:

Lead up post to my 1000 days of Build In Public Journey
A quick background incase you don't want to click on the links:
  • I am writing my daily work accomplished for the next 1000 days.
  • The challenge is to make progress/ be transparent of the work done every day. Some days will be more productive other days less productive
The idea in the end is to be as transparent as possible

My background:
  • I have had a few exits in the past; and a tone of failures

  • I have been building startups and coding from scratch (full-stack) for over 10 years
  • I never worked properly in a full time job, so entrepreneurship and business is all I know
  • I have exposure to higher level research in the past; I worked as an AI researcher in a private university -- University of Rochester; I did Human Computer Interaction research in the same college; I also conducted Epigenetic Research at New York University (this was all through undergrad and junior to senior year of high school, so not as a PHD researcher or post-doc, etc) but exposure here doing deep research definitely showed me how pro researchers work, and I could hold my own, so I know I can do independent research despite not having the official qualifications or credentials. After all I am not trying to publish research, but I am trying to take cutting edge research and build real world projects around it. Honestly I feel like my route is the best route to achieve this.
  • The last point is really more pertinent to when I start writing and sharing my progress on the Quantum computing side of things