Day 5: Starting a Profitable Window Cleaning Business in Just 10 Days


New member
We’re just about ready to get our first customers. Have you still been practicing everyday? If not, you better get back on it today. We’ve got big plans for tomorrow.

In case you missed one: Day 1 (learning and practicing), day 2 (business basics), and day 3 (logo & attire), day 4 (accounting and banking setup),

Cost of Today: $10 for a clipboard with storage from Walmart + the cost of ink/paper to print your quote sheets ($154 total so far)

Part 1) Professional Window Cleaning Quote Sheet

If you want good jobs, you need to give professional quotes. Type in “window cleaning quote sheet” and pick one that you really like. I have two below that you can feel free to use. Put your logo and contact information on it.

Print one out first to make sure it looks right. Then print out 50-100 copies on a colored printer, and consider getting thicker paper to feel more legit.

You might need to go to a local printing company if you don’t have access to a colored printer. You might even consider using a local promotional company to make your quotes sheets look and feel more professional. They might be able to make you up a TRUE quote sheet (one that makes a copy for you and a copy for the client).

Now, imagine you are walking into a commercial business that has dirty windows. Picture yourself. What will you be carrying? Just a quote sheet? NO! A clipboard with quote sheets and business cards, of course.

Go to Walmart or a similar store that has office supplies. Buy a clipboard that has storage room for your quote sheets and business cards. Should be around $10.

Personally, I feel like a boss when I walk into stores with my logo’d hat, my logo’d shirt, my logo’d business cards, my logo’d quote sheet, and my clipboard.

Everyone knows I mean business. That’s a big difference compared to a random old guy with dirty clothes and a squeegee walking in asking to clean windows for $10.

Check out my FREE, CUSTOMIZABLE example quote sheets below. Please feel free to take them and put your logo/info in them.

Exterior Cleaning Quote Sheet Example Template FREE

Window Cleaning Quote Sheet Example FREE Customizable Fillable Template

Part 2) Taking Professional Window Cleaning Pictures

I hope you didn’t think you could just stop practicing! You should still be practicing every day on your windows and your friends’ windows.

Today is going to be all about taking THE BEST pictures that you can. If you have a phone with a good camera, this will be easier. If not, borrow a friend’s.

Do you have a friend that loves photography? Great! Ask if they will help you take good pictures of you in action. In exchange, bring over some beers or pay them in food, or money if you can afford it.

Ideally you’d be wearing your logo’d apparel. However, your logo’d clothes probably haven’t arrived quite yet, unless you went to a local embroidery company. That’s OK! Just put on a good plain polo, a hat, and khaki pants or shorts.

Get as many good pictures of you cleaning windows as you can. Travel to different places if possible, so that the background house isn’t all the same. You want it to look like these are legit pictures of you cleaning windows for customers.

Pictures give legitimacy to your business quickly. Tons of your competition will have clip-art looking pictures on their websites, if they have a website at all.

Personally, I got my girlfriend to use her iPhone X (pretty good camera) to take TONS of pictures of me cleaning the windows at my house.

When she wasn’t home, I propped my phone up and recorded videos. I then took screenshots of the parts of the videos that I liked. Videos are also a great way to compare yourself to the pros from the videos in Day 1! You’ll notice they are more fluid than you are right now… no worries! Pictures don’t get that across thankfully.

I’ve used these pictures for my website and for social media on multiple different occasions. If you are feeling confident in your window cleaning abilities, post your videos too!

What’s funny is that these videos and pictures are going to seem silly once you keep growing and getting better at taking high quality pictures/videos in-action. You’ve got to start somewhere though!

Now what? Now that you’ve got your pictures looking good, it’s time to post them! Start with Google My Business (if you’ve received your postcard and confirmed your account already). Also post your pictures to Facebook and Instagram. Remember Hootsuite from Day 3? Time to use it! Schedule a few social media posts for the next few days.


Please come and join us over at r/ExteriorCleaning if you are interested in building a company that cleans windows, roofs, houses, buildings, gutters, driveways, etc.
@gideonfisk Thanks for the post, very useful as always.

Sadly for me I will have to "steal" the photos from internet as there is now way I can clean enough places to build a web with powerwashing photos. Also, can you link a photo of the clipboard?

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