Day 6- what did the timeline between coming up with the idea to launching the product/ service look like?


New member
2 hours 🤔, this is what I came up with:

Idea Validation Stage:

-How long did it take to validate the initial idea?

-What methods were used to validate the idea (e.g., market research, surveys, focus groups)?

Development Stage:

-What was the overall development timeframe for the product/service?

-Were there any major milestones or deadlines within the development process?

-Did any unforeseen challenges arise during development, and how did they impact the timeline?

Pre-Launch Stage:

-How far in advance did pre-launch activities, such as marketing and branding, begin?

-Were there any beta testing phases, and how long did they last?

-How was the launch date ultimately determined?

Launch Stage:

-Were there any specific launch activities that took place (e.g. social media campaigns)?

P.S.- gaining tons of insights so far, love it. Everyday there’s some comment that is FILLED with value. Can’t be more thankful. For previous posts- look at my post history, for upcoming posts maybe follow me?

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