Day 7- Were there any pivots or changes made to the original concept based on validation? (Read the post for explanation)


New member
People who have started their business, this is for you. I have seen many posts about this, do you have a similar story?

-What specific aspects of the original concept were validated or invalidated?

-What kind of validation methods were used? (e.g., user interviews, market research, A/B testing)

-How significant were the changes made? (Were they minor tweaks or a complete overhaul?)

-What were the key learnings that led to the pivots?

-Were there any challenges in implementing the pivots?

P.S.- end of week 1. Had a few questions- have my questions been decently unique or did you find them to be repeating the things already being said in the sub? To the folks who are reading this do you find these questions to be insightful, in the sense, you might think “Ah! This applies to my business/ idea, maybe I should think about it.” Pls let me know…

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