DeltaDoc - Compare PDF & word documents online


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DeltaDoc is a leading online documents comparator tool. It is the fastest way to spot differences between PDF, Word, PowerPoint and more documents.. Gain in productivity and reliability white reading new versions of your contracts, specifications and other documents. DeltaDoc offers a secure technology that guarantees the confidentiality of your data.

  1. Download the comparisons
  2. Multi-format
  3. Chat room
  4. Compare scanned documents
  5. Synchronize version display
  6. OCR search engine
  7. Compare complex documents
  8. Focus on the essentials
  9. Operational immediately
Problem Solving:

DeltaDoc is the ideal solution for identifying and controlling changes in evolving documents.

Why unique?

DeltaDoc is tireless not to miss anything. It compares automatically and without error!