Developers: Need your feedback on our cloud deployment tool built on Terraform and K8s


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Three years back, I was working at a late-stage company where our release cycles had become real slow due to insufficient automation and non-standard tooling and infrastructure. To solve for this, I envisioned an architecture-first approach to DevOps. Something that was cloud-agnostic and formed the basis of every deployment – across teams, regions, and clouds.

But since a solution like this didn’t exist in the market, we went about building it in-house. We thought this could benefit other folks as well, so I and a couple other folks branched out and built

We built the product keeping enterprises in mind (because that was our experience).. We got some early validation through paying customers, raised a round of funding, and thought we were on the right track.

But through various conversations with companies of all sizes – we realized three things:

We’ve built a mammoth product that’s very complex to understand and get started with.

Developers need something self-serve.

Our product had long sales cycles and thus hadn’t gone through the rigor of ruthless user feedback.

So today, we are stripping down this giant product of ours and rebuilding it to optimize for the workflows of early-stage startup developers. Facets 2.0 will now help you do quick cloud deployments.

We’ve done some user research, and come up with this page with our value prop. I’d appreciate your feedback on this . Does this speak to your pain points or challenges? Is there something here you’d want to double-click on?

We are going to launch this new version in the coming month and are looking for Beta users so that we don’t repeat our mistakes. If y’all would like to help, let me know and I’ll reach out to you guys. (or you could join the waitlist.