Did digital marketing agencies f**k up?šŸ’©


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Is it just me or more and more companies trying to get away from SEO and digital marketing agencies overall and hire internally or going back to freelance contractors? šŸ¤”

Iā€™m not dissing anybody, so you can all relax geez, grab a ā˜•ļø.

Iā€™ve been on both sidesā€¦an agency owner and a freelancer and honestly I believe itā€™s easier to get your foot in the door if youā€™re a freelancer in 2024.šŸšŖ

I mean think about itā€¦No long contracts, just result based work, and if they donā€™t like what they see after a few months, you all go your separate ways, no harm, no foul. šŸ”Œ

Of course Iā€™m not talking about large corporations here, just small to middle size companies. What do you guys say after hearing stories that digital marketing agencies are the biggest pile of šŸ’© that ever walked the earth?

Lately Iā€™ve been pitching my solo services and it seems to work betterā€¦ Is 2024 the end of digital marketing agencies as we know it? šŸ§²ā€¦Uhh getting too dramatic hereā€¦

Business owners, youā€™re welcome to comment! šŸŒ
@averegina I think marketing agencies are losing their credibility due to more and more saturation. Amateur people have been disturbing business owners and promising on results they couldn't complete. They usually don't have past experience and just work for money. Nothing is doing to "die" in 2024. Rather I would see more saturation in smma following last year trends leading to the situation you described and freelancing as we all know is too competitive.
@averegina Freelancers in most cases suck! Been using an seo agency for a year and they are fire! Moved digital internally and the results were amazing. There are a lot of variables to both and thatā€™s the tough thing, one day it works the next it doesnā€™t. I like agencies because I hold them to task for he amount they charge me

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