Difficulties and Bad Experiences. Rant Friday. kB-podcast Episode 5: How To Handle Damage Control


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What’s up reddit entrepreneurs! 👋🏼👋🏼

We all know when we get into business we need to prepare for EVERYTHING...

The good, the bad, the ugly...and the uglier.

But something that most people don’t really attend to—is customer service and how that can LITERALLY TARNISH YOUR BRAND FOREVER.

In today’s episode, we RANT a little bit about customer service and we share a little bit Shark Tank advice learned from Mr. Wonderful on damage control.

Knowledge Boner Podcast Ep: 5

Have you dealt with bad experiences with companies?

Let us know in the comments!

Follow the cast on Instagram:

Dylan Starr: @dylanstarrofficial
Wally Nguyen: @wally_therobot

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