Do you know why Product Hunt has 2 types of coming soon page? Which one is better ?

Hi there, Growth Hacking community,

I'm Morgan. I recently submitted my new side project on Product Hunt and generated a "coming soon" page. However, it didn't turn out the way I expected, so I had to adjust the GIF meant for the gallery.

The problem is that when I submitted the GIF, the suggested size given by Product Hunt was wrong. As a result, many makers submitted images that were the wrong size and didn't have time to make changes, which greatly reduced the quality of their page. 👇

This left me with a question: why are there two types of "coming soon" pages on Product Hunt?

Please check the 2 screenshots below 👇:

Moda‘s Coming Soon Page

My Coming Soon Page

I think the above form will be better, but I don't know how to make it. Is it the paid function of Product Hunt?

If you have any understanding, please comment let me know, thank you very much.

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