Do you own or manage a temp agency? If so, I have a question that only you can answer


New member
I've been looking at launching a temp agency.

Of course, I've done the research and I'm well aware of the hurdles I have to jump to make things a reality.

For instance, I live in Toronto and these are just some of the actions I have to carry out:

1) Incorporate as a business in Ontario.

2) Register as a vendor for RST.

3) Register with CRA for payroll, corp taxes, gst/hst, ei, etc.

4) Obtain liability insurance.

5) Register with the WSIB as an employer.

6) Set up a business chequing account.

7) Establish an accounting program (i.e. quickbooks).

8)Hire employees and find clients to send them to.

9)Bill companies for employees time and placement fees.

10) Pay customer (employees sent out) on payroll with deductions, etc. i.e. they work for me???

11) Remit taxes, deductions, etc. to gov't.

My question is - would it be possible to build a temp agency within an existing agency?

Could I go to TempsInc and propose to share a portion of their office space, their bookkeeping in exchange for an agreed upon portion of my agency's revenues?

I've seen other industries do this - can it be done in the temp agency arena?

Thanks in advance for your answers.
@motherofkittens Hey UncleGriswold...Who is to say you can't? Why not go to some agencies and propose that? Generally, I find them very budget conscious, so your proposal to share some expenses would seem welcomed. Biggest question I have though is, do you know the business? It's not an easy industry and you might do better spending a year working for one.
@kmoreno Hi Gregg,

Yes, I have a lot of experience working for temp agencies as a temp and understanding their inner workings.

My hope is to create an entity that's more of a win-win-win for all involved.

Temp agencies struggle to find good workers they can count on, without realizing that part of the problem is that they don't pay their workers enough of a cut.

I'll actually be reaching out to my first prospective agency tomorrow to see what I can do.

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