Do you stay patriotic?


New member
I'm American, I believe in my startup one thousand percent.

But if American based accelerators are not giving you chance, just because statics say, MVP, TEAM, TRACTION, ETC have to be in place is a formula for success. Then what would you do?

A) Apply to accelerators in China

B) Apply to accelerators in Saudi Arabia

C) Give up 50% equity to get started

D) Give up

E) Skip Accelerators and go for Angels instead

Just a little perturbed that many Accelerators have vested in foreign startups rather than local. With the recent crashes like WeWORK, LYFT, and so on... all it does it seems to tighten the screws for better startups seeking genuine accelerator help.

Ranting but I think there is a point here, if someone can word it better than me.
@psquared That is awesome for you! Is your business a product or service or both?

Are you a U.S. based company? if not then where?

Please do share or DM. Much appreciated.

It's not a wrong business. The idea has been validated. The need & demand is there.
@yhudithagios Instead of going for the accelerator, I swapped to the loan until I can get far in for the app development. Then I'll give it a show to Y-Combinator and hope they pick it up. Even if they turn it down, I'm still optimistic in sales. When I hit the wall for marketing budget, I might try my luck with a VC. What do you think?
@robruss102 I've tried YC a few times because of Michael Seibel. He said even if ideas were written on a napkin apply. But to be fair. I really didn't know what I was doing when I applied. Not about the startup idea but about how accelerators worked and who was YC.

I over-explained things on the application.

I suggest to not wait to hit a wall for marketing. Go for a VC, Angel Investor or Accelerator whenever you can. Cuase when you hit a wall, thats when they say, "I'll think about it and call you later." Generate cash every minute you can, cause cash is life, its the blood to your business.

I don't have the credentials to get a loan. I'm a foreigner in Korea.