Do you think startups can benefit from this?


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Hey there 👋

I’m Sharné from Hi5, a tech startup based in Cape Town 🌤️

Cutting to the chase​

Hi5 is an app that makes it easy to give recognition & rewards, communicate with your team and run custom pulse surveys to measure your company culture and employee performance. Besides mobile & desktop apps, Slack integration and Open API, we have a whole bunch of other great features to help managers and employees connect to each other and the company and give constructive feedback.

We've been around since 2016, originally a side-project by digital product studio, Urbian. We're still in the startup phase and have found our users in a wide range industries and sizes, but Hi5 works especially well for startups. We've raised Series A funding and are riding out that wave until our next step.

We support startups and small companies who are making a difference - pay a flat fee of $30 per month for your Hi5 subscription. Normal pricing: $3 per user per month for Awesome package, $7 per user per month for Business.

So, being a CEO of a startup, where you have so many daily functions on the go… you need a tool that's simple yet effective and really engaging - and that's what we've found in Hi5.” - Trevor Gosling, CEO of Series A startup, Lulalend (featured on Techcrunch)

Criteria for startup pricing:

👉 Early stage company (up to $1m in funding) and less than 2 years old

👉 Small team (15 employees or less)

👉 Currently not a Hi5 customer

Check it out >
@boy16boy How are startup teams going to differentiate this quickly from Slack? Can you make that differentiation in a few lines of text?

I actually built this hack to work on biz fundamentals/idea validation. cooked it up last night on 7 espressos. Goal is to "have the GUTS" to test your ideas.
@lcgixxer87 Hey,

So Slack is purely a communication tool, and not great at keeping and visualising long-term data. We use it in our team for daily conversations and polls, but nothing older than a month or so.

Hi5 is an employee recognition and rating app, that keeps your data and visualises it with our reporting features. This means you can run performance reviews on Hi5 as well.

If you'd like more info feel free to reach out to us at!

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