Do you use tag management tools? What are your main challenges?

Hello everyone,

I’m curious about the different ways developers and product creators use tag management tools in their projects. I’d like to understand which tools you prefer and the specific challenges you face with these systems.
  1. What tag management tool do you use? (e.g., Google Tag Manager, a custom tool, etc.)
  2. What are the main benefits you find in using this tool?
  3. What difficulties or limitations have you encountered while using your tag management system? For example, issues with performance, compatibility, or integration complexity?
  4. Do you have any tips or advice for those considering starting to use a tag management tool?
As a team of three enthusiasts—two developers and one marketing specialist—currently launching multiple products, we are eager to delve deeper into the Indie Hackers community. Your feedback could greatly assist us and other community members who are considering adopting or switching their tag management systems. We look forward to benefiting from constructive feedback and expert advice to guide our projects. Thanks in advance for your responses and participation!

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