Don’t have a co-founder? Hire one! 🤝


New member
Let's be honest: one of the most common reasons companies fail is because of stressful relationships between founders, sometimes even worse when you pick the wrong partner.

And everyone says to you, find a co-founder! But it takes a lot of work in the early days of concept and launching your service. ‍

Besides that, you, as a solo founder, face👇

* 🚶The loneliness of being a solo founder.

* 🤔 Lack of new perspectives and angles from someone who was a co-founder before.

* 🏋️ Motivation to keep pushing.

* 🤓 Accountability to get things done.

* ✅ Lack of prioritization.

* 🔧 Lack of a T-shaped co-founder.

So, thinking of those pain points now you have...

World #1 fractional bootstrap co-founder for solo founders ‍Simple. Efficient. Affordable.

This service was created to help everyone who wants to launch their projects with the support of a professional co-founder.

Check it out:
@nabidreams Interestingly enough I’m just putting the finishing touches on a free community to connect cofounders.

I find that when people post here the anonymous factor is preventative.

I also wanted to do something outside of the VC backed communities.

The one I’m working on is for bootstrapping founders. For non-technical folks like myself to connect with coders.

Unsure if linking it here breaks the sub rules. But once my domain and community platform are connected I’d love to share it.

Does anyone feel like this might be something worth joining?
Does anyone feel like this might be something worth joining?

Yes, but it all depends on how it compares with or differentiates from existing cofounder matching products

It's a real uphill battle as Y-combinator - even with a worse product - benefits from network effects (the more users using the tool the more valuable the product is regardless of its quality)

It is possible though
World #1 fractional bootstrap co-founder for solo founders

:| I hate it when people or companies rewards themselves with medals...

You are likely to have between 0 and 100 customers (nothing wrong with that) and you claim to be #1... If you narrow it down to a small enough niche it could be true but it definitely does not look serious to me.

I would advise dropping that kind of lines.
@tabbycat Thanks for the feedback! It might look indeed overselling, I will make a small adjustment to “A fractional bootstrap Co-founder for Solo Founders” 🙂

Should look way better, wdyt?

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