Don't do this when you cold email an Investor


New member
When we talk to our founders, we keep repeating that their main goal when cold-emailing investors is to get a reply and initiate a "back-and-forth."

You might be surprised to know that many founders expect a deal to be put on the table after their first contact.

If you're the next Palantir, maybe.

But if you seriously want to max out your chances to raise money fast, you really need to take Michael Seibel's (YCombinator) advice seriously.

Here's a summary of what Michael recommends:
  • Keep it short (
@rabidclarkian I've sent a ton of cold emails for funders to investors, and I found two other tips that are helpful.

First, avoid sharing weak wins, and second, make sure to validate who you are with investors.
@rabidclarkian I tell my founders/entrepreneurs to begin a conversation. Network to enhance your team and value proposition. Consider this your market research.

My first question to be answered when I am targeted is How did you get my contact? ANd what specifically do you want? In as few word as possible.
@rabidclarkian This post would be a lot more effective if it wasn't so spammy.

For anybody interested in the video without OP trying to skim value off something they didn't create, here it is:

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