E-learning platform: connect tutors in the U.S. with Chinese students


New member
Business Name: Essence Academy

Business Model: An online platform that connects tutors with students worldwide (mainly in China). This platform mainly provides pre-college/ prep school lectures such as U.S. history, chemistry, biology, physics, English literature, critical writings, SAT, AP classes. Tutors can be college students with related fields of study or professional teachers from the states, and students will be learning through the platform in China. The platform has been built up already, it's a mature online platform like Zoom meeting/ google meets. All we have to do is to find the right teachers and our target customers, then connect them together.

Target Audience: Chinese students who want to apply for US/UK academic system high school or colleges. Students who seek advanced knowledge other than school works.

Would you like to join as a teacher, and earn some extra cash while helping others?
@mobezom I'm a teacher. I live and work in Shanghai. There are quite a few of these companies here. Not saying yours can't take off but you have solid competition from those who are physically in China and provide these services both online and in person.
@percival1994 Thanks for your great suggestions. I'm still building up my idea and I will also have partner working with me in China. I'd love to hear more from you and maybe we can talk about how teaching is like for you in Shanghai.
@mobezom Hi,

I've been teaching at one of the international schools in Shanghai for the 6th year now. A friend of mine is running a company here that does exactly what you're building up and I know he's very successful. I also know another teacher (far from being friends with the guy, but I ran into him once or twice) who wanted to start his own company but from what I hear (or rather, don't hear) it's not really working out for him. I guess that shows you can be either successful or not, not sure what factors into those, probably tons of different things.

In either case, wish you good luck. Not sure how I could help as I am not into college counseling and tutoring but if you have questions or ideas, we can discuss, if you want.

On a related note, I'm also running something on the side (hence my presence at /r/Startup_Ideas, but it's not along the lines of yours, so I mean no competition to you on this one :)


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