Elon Musk's 6 Productivity Rules


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In an email to Tesla employees, CEO Elon Musk shared 6 productivity rules:
  1. Avoid large meetings
  2. Avoid regular meetings
  3. Leave a meeting if you’re not contributing
  4. Use simple language
  5. Communicate directly
  6. Follow logic, not inappropriate rules

1. Avoid large meetings​

Large meetings blight organisations and often get worse over time. Keep necessary meetings short and ensure they provide value to all attendees. Here are my suggested 3 Steps to Transform Your Meetings.

2. Avoid frequent meetings​

The only reason to have a meeting is to do something collectively that you could not achieve on your own. - Kevan Hall & Alan Hall

Get rid of frequent meetings unless they deal with urgent matters. Meeting frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter has been resolved.

3. Leave a meeting if you’re not contributing​

Leave a meeting as soon as you realise you aren’t adding value. It is not rude to do so. It is inconsiderate to make someone stay and waste their time.

4. Use simple language​

Most readers' energy tends to flag part way through an article or essay. If the friction of reading is low enough, more keep going till the end. - Paul Graham

Don’t use acronyms or nonsense words for objects, software or processes. Anything that requires an explanation inhibits communication. Don’t force people to memorise a glossary.

5. Communicate directly​

Communication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the chain of command. A major source of issues is poor communication between departments. Instead, allow the free flow of information between all levels. It is Ok for people to talk directly and help the right thing happen.

6. Follow logic, not inappropriate rules​

Pick common sense as your guide. If following a company rule is obviously ridiculous in a particular situation, such that it would make for a great Dilbert cartoon, then the rule should change. Here is The First Principles Method Explained by Elon Musk.

Other resources​

How to Find Your Passion talk by Elon Musk

What Jeff Bezos Taught Me post by Phil Martin

My Top 5 Startup Teachers post by Phil Martin

While Elon Musk works crazy hours per week, he seems to know how to optimise his productivity.Have fun.



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