Equity Allocation for Advisor Compensation

@daniellea It’s a tricky question. There are answers upon a quick google search. But the nuance lies in your relationship with the advisor as well as their understanding of being an advisor to a startup. The issue occurs when an advisor who isn’t well versed with startup advising begins to get greedy looking at valuations and inflates the value of their advice. In such instances, it might be simpler to communicate objectively; state what you’re looking for specifically and how much of their time you’d need on retainer. Then present the dollar value of the compensation you’d be offering them for their advice as opposed to percentages. It’s a simple reframe, but it tends to put things into perspective better. Percentages always seem so small 😅
@daniellea There is no fair compensation in reality. It all depends on the expectations. If the advisor is open and relying on you to share what the equity component would be then it’s best to search on YC’s extensive resources for what an ideal amount would be based on your company stage; and offer that.
@daniellea CARTA has data on advisor compensation.

Go to LinkedIn and look up Peter Walker from CARTA.

In his post history in the last 30 days he details advisor equity compensation.
@daniellea Usually don't get an advisor. There is usually no signal for it with venture capital.

Top tier individuals will invest in your co with small cheques if they believe in you...and that is a good signal. You can reward these people with outsized equity for their investment. But don't give people equity for advice.

The signalling doesn't exist. Period.

You can sign a contract for equity grant if they hit certain milestones (sales intros, etc).