eSign Software Options


New member
I run a small business where I'm the only employee, however I have 70-80 "licensees" that license products from my business. These licensees then sell products to their customers. Some of the products we carry now require a contract to be signed by the customer when they purchase them. I would like a quick easy way for the licensees to be able to electronically send the contract to their customers to be signed but am concerned about costs if I'm going to have to pay for an account for each licensee. The contract is going to stay the same (just changing customer name) and would only have one contract. Once a customer signs the contract, they won't have to sign a contract again if they purchase more products in following years. There may be a lot of contracts that need signed in the first few years but imagine that number will slowly dwindle over time (unless the contract does change substantially). Are there any eSign services out there that wouldn't charge me a per user fee for each one of my licensees but still allow them to send the contract electronically to their customers? I've heard of DocuSign, Dropbox Sign (Hellosign), Adobe Sign, PandaDocs, among others. I'm going to reach out to each company and inquire with them but thought I would reach out here first.

Edit: I also forgot to mention that I'm in the process of having a "web portal" developed where licensees can sign in and report sales. It would be a plus if the eSign service could be integrated into that portal.

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