Family company with a member increasing role. Should shares or salaries change?


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Sorry for long post. tl;dr: Family company with a member increasing role. Should shares or salaries change?

About 5 years ago I co-founded a company with family members. The startup costs were financed by the bank (no individuals put money in). Shares were split up with 50% going to co-founder A who was going to lead the project while 15% was going to the other co-founder B who was putting in the same amount of time initially but finishing another project. The split of shares was not universally accepted as co-founder B felt he deserved more but agreed upon the above situation in writing.

Now, 5 years later, co-founder B is ready to join into the company with 100% of his time. The plan is for co-founder B to start and lead a smaller, second location that would potentially increase profits 20-30%. This second location will not proceed without co-founder B. Both co-founders would spend equal time but at different locations.

There are obviously lots of confounding variables in this situation but these are the basics.

My questions are:
  1. Should shares be redistributed? If so, how?
  2. Since time invested by one co-founder does not result in the same investment return, how should salaries work?
Overall I’m looking for the fairest option going forward that results in each member feeling valued and wanting to invest themselves 100%. Please DM me if you’re wanting more information.

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