Feedback Chief waits for feedback (to be roasted actually)

@farush Couple immediate thoughts:
  1. Don't immediately block visitors (potential users) with a sign in form. Let them go further in the process to where they are getting ready to add their feedback, then prompt to sign in or sign up, instead of the immediate roadblock.
  2. Sign in button is really small compared to the form size...make it easier to click
  3. Are the big, green and blue boxes on the left side of the list of feedback really where you want your users eyes attention to focus first? They seem arbitrarily large compared to the other elements of the design.
  4. I like the Indian style of illustration for the icons on the homepage, yet the one used for the 'chief' in the logo does not match. It's too realistic and should match the other styles used.
@farush I think you are assuming a level of engagement from your customers customers that is probably not there. Most people dont bother to give feedback let alone read through a bunch of stuff.

Qualtrics is a company that has done exactly this. And I believe they include machine learning.

Realistically if you want something like this to work in the modern work you're going to have to do the heavy lifiting which basically means machine learning and multisource input feeds mixing existing and novel.

But even doing that you face competition. So what is your edge?

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