Feedback for my platform K-Stash: A search engine for your personal links. A knowledge factory. Meant for devs, researchers and students


New member
K-Stash is a platform (currently in closed beta) meant to gather all your useful links in one single place and create a sort of knowledge stash, accessible any time.

As myself a developer, in 5+ years I have stashed hundreds of web pages in the bookmarks, but even though they are saved there, I just can’t lose time to manually search that particular “custom rhombus pure css spinner” stackoverflow comment, among other 100.

I don't know if it's only about me, but my bookmarks are completely messed up. There is data, but that mess doesn't turn it into reusable information.

And so, here K-Stash kicks in:

web link (data) -> you elaborate it, label it (information) -> you use it, practically (knowledge) -> you reuse it, master it (wisdom).

I know, it's quite approximate, but it should give you a better understanding on what K-Stash tries to achieve.

The platform is really fresh (1 week) and currently in closed beta, so bugs may be out there :D

What do you think about this idea? I'd really appreciate your feedbacks.

Ow, I will auto upgrade all the k-stash accounts I find in the comments to the Pro plan (3 months), just send an email [here](!

Features I am currently working on

The website:

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