Feedback for our app to connect data, ideas and people


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Hey guys,

I would appreciate a feedback for early launch of our platform.

Relacionus is a platform that allows journalists, researches, or normal people to connect data, ideas, and people. We want to make easy to connect information, add resources to the connected data, apply social network analysis if needed and allow people to talk about connections.

Connecting data, ideas and people

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@flightgm I don’t watch videos too often. I rely on skimming the text.

I’m aware of graph databases and a range of visualisation techniques, but even with that, I’d suggest the landing page doesn’t give me enough clues to identify what service you provide. It’s too vague for me to see value in it and I couldn’t see a link to another page that had examples that I could connect to a real world problem.

What’s the elevator pitch, who is the customer (specifically) and what problem do you solve (specifically). Can you give examples of how your business would help make my life easier?
@mcooperiii Hi,

I’d suggest the landing page doesn’t give me enough clues to identify what service you provide. Hopefully we are able to express the idea we want to share with the coming changes in the website.

What’s the elevator pitch, who is the customer (specifically) and what problem do you solve (specifically). Can you give examples of how your business would help make my life easier?. We want to help journalists, lawyers and researchers so that they can connect relevant information to their investigations (people, documents, addresses, events, objects) and thus be able to find possible patterns in the connections.

Give the possibility that these connections (nodes and links) can contains attachments (videos, post, documents, audio).

Turn a Detective board into something that can be shared and modified among colleagues.
@flightgm I'm gonna be honest, your explanation sounds a lot like "we have no idea what the idea is, but venture capitalists are morons and will fund it if it's shiny enough." Your actual description sounds like you are describing Google or any other search engine. Hasn't Lexus/Nexus been around since the 1960's?

I'm not that smart, so can you explain to me in 'Murrkin terms exactly how you aren't just a search engine optimized for select professions? 30+ years in sales and customer relation management affords me the ability to say this-you are using industry speak on the general populace-stop it. For the same reason I don't talk about getting people to wait until I get my TOH done, or my reset on caps and expect them to understand what my KPI's are, you appear to be trying to sell us on an idea (asking for feedback on it) with jargon and circle jerk language.

Five words or less-what can your company do for me? Answer this question based on what you know about me (nothing) and tailor it to my interests/needs. Watch me try it then you try, ok? What can I do for you? I can find new ways for you to make sales for less work. How? By tweaking your promotion and marketing ideas into something that works, a cross between carnival barker and personalized Nordstrom level services coupled with finding all new demographics to cater to.

If I had devolved into words such as "cross promotion multi channel revenue streams monetize through new avenues" then 90% of the world zones out and doesn't understand. That is what your answer sounds like, but in your defense you are trying to put on the "Hi I'm a professional and I'm happy" voice, so that taints what I am hearing (most people prefer your way but it tends to annoy those of us who recognize it.)

My professional view? Try 20% more informal in conversation on social media, focus on what your thing can do for me (the consumer) and unless you are focused on the Spanish speaking market, I would revisit the name, because unless it is some Spanish language thing missing the accent mark, it looks confusing and unpronounceable.

That being said, I wish you all the luck in the world with your new stalking algorithm! I can't wait to see someone run a cluster with me in it and see exactly how connected I am!
@curlycurl My professional view? Try 20% more informal in conversation on social media, focus on what your thing can do for me (the consumer) and unless you are focused on the Spanish speaking market, I would revisit the name, because unless it is some Spanish language thing missing the accent mark, it looks confusing and unpronounceable. thanks for this advice.

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