Feedback for startup idea!


New member
Hi Everyone,

Sharing the link to my recently launched app Vouch : Vouch - Apps on Google Play

With Vouch, you can
  1. Find the paths connecting other users on the application
  2. Post a Bounty, which your network can help fulfil - this could include getting connected to a specific person, finding someone in a specific company or just a generic message which you believe the network can help you with
The app is still in it's very nascent stages with just the MVP being launched but I thought it would be a quick & fast iteration cycle taking help from this community for feedback and suggestions on what this could transform into next.

PS : The idea stems from the fact that social networks currently don't capture

a. Depth of connections - spousal/parental connections are stronger than neighbor connections

b. Directionality of connections - employeemanager has an inherent directionality while trying to get one to help the other

c. Temporality of connections - relationships evolve over time, using this to navigate/chart the path would yield better results

If this message is not appropriate for this group, let me know & I'll find a better place for this.
@joelster : Not sure how CoffeeMug does the warm-intro but on Vouch, the warm into would be expected from the network of the requester/target.

And yes, the idea for now is that there would be some sort of currency (could translate to real money or not) which users will spend to raise a bounty.. and anyone who fulfils the bounty (verified by the requester) gets the reward for the bounty.

The major differentiator would be finding the right person to reach out to using GenAI and charting the path from requester to target using their social networks.

Hope this clears things up. Would love for you to try the app and give feedback on the same.
@paigemichelle Its a good idea, however how would it be different from coffeemug?

and does your second point mean that, if i need to connect with x person , i may raise bounty worth 3000 rs for example... someone fulfills the bounty and lets me connect with person x, and the intermediary gets the bounty money, would that be the model?

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