Feedback needed: Marketing collaboration made easy


New member
When I co-founded my first startup, Motionarray, I had to wear many different hats because we were bootstrapped and didn’t have any money to hire anyone.

One hat I wore was the marketing hat. While I admit I was a horrible marketer, one thing that I did do right was getting our site to rank in the top three results for our target keywords. How did I do it? Sponsored posts.

We first got our site in good working order when it came to the structure, site speed, etc… but then we did a huge focus and push on sponsored posts for whatever keyword we were trying to rank for. We’d find 5ish sites with decent traffic in our target market and release the blogs posts all at the same time that included the keywords as the anchor text linking to the page we wanted Google to recognize. If you’re wondering, we didn’t see many actual conversions from the articles, but we did see huge boosts in our SEO ranking, and in the end, this was way more valuable.

But this process was a huge pain! I had to find the sites, finding their email addresses, wait for responses, do follow ups, keeping track of how much it costs, etc..

… and this is why I'm creating a new marketing tool called Datawave.

At its core Datawave is a big database for quickly finding all of the sites, blogs, podcasts, youtube channels, communities, and more.. around a specific niche. We also provide other info and metrics like site traffic, contact links, subscriber count, yadda yadda.

Why should you care?

You can easily gather resources where your target audience engages online, so you can market to them. For example, if you have a product and your target market is filmmakers, you can come to Datawave and search for filmmakers, and we'll show you all of the sites, youtube channels, podcasts, subreddits, etc.. where your audience hangs out. You can ask questions on Reddit, try to get guest posts on blogs or sponsored posts, you can try to be on a podcast or sponsor it, etc...

It’s very much in the beta-ish phase, and I have big plans, but I’d love if you could check it out in its current state and let me know your thoughts.

What do you think about it?

Thank you for any help. 🙏

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