[Feedback] Needed on my Bitcoin App service and suggestions on how to further promote it


New member
Hi all,

First time here in this thread.

So a few weeks ago I launched my app on Google Play.


Tip Bitcoins as an incentive | Earn Bitcoins for being helpful

The name BITFORTIP comes from 3 words
Bit = Bitcoin
for = for
Tip = information/tip

The idea came to my mind when I couldn't find a favorite t-shirt of mine online and I was willing to tip someone in order to search online for me.

It also exists as a website

Some use cases for bitfortip.

*Find a item (i.e. a dress ) that you saw on a magazine,website, Pinterest or Instagram and you don't know where to buy it online. You can upload it as photo using your smartphone and ask bitfortip members to search it online for you in order to win the bitcoin reward.

*Find a better price for an item that you want. Offer a small Bitcoin reward for members to search for you online.

*Find a piece of information on the internet that you can't find on your own. Post an inquiry along with a bitcoin reward for people to find you a certain link, image, e.t.c.

When you sign up, a unique bitcoin address is generated in your account. There it shows you the following message: Before you can submit an inquiry you need to fund your account with at least with 0.0001 Bitcoin to give as a reward. After you fund your account, you can post an inquiry with a bitcoin reward of your choice. Current bitcoin price can be found here http://preev.com/
If someone finds what you are looking for. You mark his answer as correct and the person is being rewarded with your bitcoin tip.

Bitcoin is a bit unknown to most people so at first it might be a bit tricky to post an inquiry. But a useful service like this will help on raising awareness to the general public and then curiosity will kick in and learn more about blockchain technology, decentralization, transparency, private keys, transactions e.t.c.

Please tell me what more would you like to see like extras and what would you recommend to further promote it?

I've also made 2 explainer YouTube videos.

One for the app

and one for the site

If you are interested on trying it out, to have a better picture on how it works please feel free to register and I will credit your account.
@simplymidori Hey - you seem SUPER passionate about your product and that is awesome!

When you talk about it, it's also clear to me that you're a developer lol.

For example, when you're trying to market your product (which is really just explaining it to potential customers, right?) you probably shouldn't talk about "here are some use cases" lol.

I'm just joking around, but in all seriousness here's some advice:

I would Google "copywriting benefits features". Read some articles, there...

And then you need to think about how "problem aware" are the people you're trying to reach?

I don't think that your target market is the average person.

I know some stores take Bitcoin now, but the person from the street probably doesn't actually understand how to get themselves a wallet or really use Bitcoin - if they're familiar with it at all.

Start by targeting the most interested people first to build your base. You will have a way easier time than trying to start from explaining "This is a Bitcoin..."

Maybe consider buying some subreddit ads in the Bitcoin farming subreddits? And the nerdy tech subreddits? Even gaming subreddits.

I think that would give you a combined audience of a few hundred thousand people who are problem aware I think. I mean at least you can be sure a reasonable density of people there have maybe even tipped somebody with Bitcoin (with a Reddit bot).

That would be close to 0% of the entire population though, you know? That's why you shouldn't target the mass market.

Are you looking to monetize this, or just to get more people to use your fun tool? If you wanted to monetize how do you make money (or how do you think you would)?

Website: I think you need to add some things.

Email opt in. Maybe you can give like a newsletter where you send 5 cool podcasts or articles about Bitcoin once a week?

It's not so much work for you, and you can collect people's email addresses for the opportunity to market to them later (you can even use the email addresses to retarget them with Facebook ads).

Also, I would add "Share" buttons to your website. At the top above the fold. (I am a marketer so for me that means it should be visible when the page loads "above" the cutoff at the bottom, in case that doesn't mean anything to you - idk if that is a programming or design term really)

I would make it really easy to email, Facebook, or Tweet and make the post something... You know... Enticing to other people.

Even just a call out to your audience like "Tech geeks and bitcoin nerds, check out this tool to Bitfortip". What I mean is don't just like... Have it prefilled out to be ONLY a link, prefill it out with something that is written with a purpose.

So like in the case of what I suggested, the purpose is to have people read that and if they are part of your audience they'll self-select and be like "Hey that's me!".

You can make up something else and try it too, that's only one idea :)

Good luck, I hope that helps you. I also write actionable articles about business and marketing here.
@adventurer83 Hi there, thank for you long reply. ;)

I know that it is kind of tricky for an average user to post an inquiry at first. But once he get's the hang of it. It's pretty easy. There's also a buy bitcoin button and you just copy paste the BTC address to your bitfortip account to fund it.

Registered users get an email notification whenever a new inquiry is posted on the site.

Currently the service isn't generating any revenue. In the future it will have through a small fee and commission on bitcoin purchase.

I will take a look on the link that you've posted.

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