Feedback on my startup Idea


New member
Hey guys, i have been working over the past month on my startup idea, you can see the entire idea below, it would be really great if i could get some feedback on how you guys feel about the idea.

Our Mission is to design a website and an app that will give students aspiring to study abroad a transparent and a convenient way to browse through various universities and see through the pros and cons of the courses they are aspiring to study in each university. Further, this will be a platform where prospective students will be able to interact with students already studying in various universities. We do this by partnering with different universities. We also match students with the option of the best 9 universities suited to them which we decide based upon not only their educational profile but also on interests like food habits, social life, climate, living costs and college fees. Furthermore, we aim to provide students with an in-depth analysis of the pre-requisites required for the courses in which they are interested in studying (This could be done by offering courses like python, mat lab etc learning which would make it easy for the students to follow their program of study). Furthermore, we aim to scale up this idea by providing language courses(if required) and also services like preparation for exams like ielts, gre , toefl, sat, gmat etc. Further more we aim to tailor specific services for specific countries, like in india the paperwork required to apply for universities specially in countries like US and Australia is not straightforward. So, we aim to make this process much easier. We intend to do this for each country specifically based on the particular problems faced by prospective students in that country. We do that as we scale.
@bethkhoover No, there are not many available who give their analysis about universities from a students perspective, most of the services available now are focused on glorifying the universities and its really hard to find things like what is the culture and focus at the university, why should i study at a particular place and so on. We believe each student has a different set of demands to be fulfilled when it comes to choosing a university and there is no one size fits all. So, our objective is to make sure that a student gets into the best university suited to him and not the best one in terms of ranking or the one which people say is good.

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