[Feedback] RefR - Curated Content for Social Media That Generate Leads!


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RefR, optimises the impact of your social media posts through effective content curation. So? Well, it’s not a dead ringer to the existing content curation pros, as our content is absolutely human-curated. What is more? The curated content is strategically transformed into social media posts with engaging killer titles keeping in mind the target market for the business in hand, along with personalized on-brand images as sometimes images make better text. Overall, expansive in terms of audience and explosive in regards to impact. All that at a fraction of a cost and saving hours of identifying relevant content each day.

We're not done yet! What if we add on a tool to increase both brand awareness and lead prospects? Smart is the one who is able to convert the right audience and urged by the temptation of increasing the productivity of social media posts, we further introduce a LeadBox, developed by a third-party using an i-frame technology and put to the right use by RefR. We place it strategically according to your buyer’s journey to catch their attention and direct them to your homepage where your USP will play the final hand in trying to convert the hot prospect into a lead.

86% of the marketers curate content but less than half agree to it working. Considering this massive ratio of curated/created content for social media, it ought to make an impact. We’re helping time-poor marketers and startup founders to make their social media posts a lot more productive.
@peheo How good is social media for lead gen?

I work in marketing and do quite a lot of content curation and social media posts for clients, but it's more about building brand awareness and community than lead gen.

Do you guys have any data on leads generated from your tool? I think that would really help people see the benefit of your product.

I like the leadbox idea and adding it to curated content, but I'd want to know that it can actually work.
@ramy6et First, great questions, all of them.

How good is social media for lead gen? - This is a gap we're trying to address via LeadBox. As much as I agree that social is more about brand awareness and community, I think there's a lot more we can do as we as marketers definitely put in a lot of time and money to curate content and build engagement. The whole idea is to take it a step further.

Do you guys have any data on leads generated from your tool? - While we've just stepped into BETA, it is our first priority to demonstrate the impact of LeadBox. Re the quality of content curation, we've been doing it for a while within the pilot and we're pleased with it's response.

I like the leadbox idea and adding it to curated content, but I'd want to know that it can actually work - Please feel free to have a quick look at our Twitter (https://twitter.com/getRefR) and see for yourself if it works. Just click through the links on tweets. Please note - not all the tweets have embedded LeadBox but most would.

Ask any questions you may have and again, thank you for the earlier ones - they do help us to think about different scenarios.
@peheo I checked out the links on your Twitter. I could definitely see value in having this leadbox with a piece of content similar to the one linked to. Is there a way to customize each leadbox for each piece of curated content?
@ramy6et Exactly, we match the content of the LeadBox (Description 1 & 2, Image and CTA) according to your buyer journey and your business activity.

Definitely, we can customise the content of a LeadBox and one can have upto 3 customised LeadBoxes. Depending upon the buyer's journey and the curated content, one out of the three LeadBoxes is placed. The placements are essentially a matchmaking process and finding the sweet spot.
@peheo I can see this as a useful tool for trying to get some ROI out of social. I signed up for beta and can give you some feedback when I use it for some client profiles (mainly restaurants).
@ramy6et I'm glad that you signed up for BETA. We're having an ongoing Robinhood style contest. As soon as it's done, we'll start rolling the BETA access in batches according to the rankings. It should not take us long as we've prepared quite a bit for giving access to the most at the earliest. Again, thank you for signing up for our BETA. Looking forward to your feedback.

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