[Feedback Request] Sujjest - Quickly turn friends’ ideas and interests into a clear plan


New member
Our new free app, Sujjest, is designed to make group decisions easy by combining the type of brainstorming you’d do with people in a room and an amp’d up decision making process to create a more human interaction. Everyone gets involved. Everyone adds options. Everyone makes decisions TOGETHER.

We've been working on this as a side-project for a couple years now but Sujjest was just accepted into both the Play Store and the App Store! Huge milestone for us personally but we have plenty of work ahead to make it better. To that end, we're looking for any and all feedback we can get! Love it or hate it, we want to hear your thoughts so we can make Sujjest your go-to for group planning and decision making.

So what do you think? Really, any feedback on our app is totally welcome. We're three dudes in our respective garages trying to get this thing off the ground and every little bit helps. Thanks!!

Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sujjest.conclave

App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sujjest/id1447435011?ls=1&mt=8

Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1UUjGK-fk0

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