[Feedback] Roast Talkyard


New member
The product:

https://www.talkyard.io — discussion software, for customer/internal support and ideation.

The market:

Some billion dollars: "Gartner predicts the workstream collaboration market will reach $4.9 billion by 2021": https://mattermost.com/blog/why-workstream-collaboration/. The competition focuses on companies in rich countries (like in EU, North America).

Product analysis / comparison against competition:

Talkyard brings together the main features from StackOverflow, Discourse, Slack, Reddit, Disqus — and so competes with those, + Facebook groups and chats like WhatsApp.

(StackOverflow for Teams = Question-Answers (Q&A) for internal support. Discourse = forum software. Disqus = blog comments.)

Currently, people like Talkyard as a Question-Answers tool for customer/internal support. And for blog comments.

What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?

Finding product market fit. Not urgently. Thinking about it.

Customer conversion strategy:

This far, I've found customers / users by answering questions at Quora and StackExchange, where people have asked for open source StackOverflow alternatives.

And by creating integrations with blog software like Hugo, Ghost, Gatsby — then, people find Talkyard via the "integrates with..." pages for that blog software. (Note: Talkyard can be used as a commenting system for one's blog.)

Later: I need to decide on the "best" type of customer to focus on. (Small biz for customers support? Or larger organizations for internal support? or maybe schools? non-profits?) ... And do content marketing, reach out to bloggers & small newspapers, launch at ProductHunt, HackerNews etc.

My background & motivation:

Software, maths, physics.

Feedback requested:

Anything you can think of? Including problems with the underlying idea, or execution.

(Also, if you see problems / weird things on the homepage, that'd be interesting)

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