[Feedback] Seeker - The future of unified search


New member
Seeker is a free app that lets you search across your personal knowledge stored in apps like Google Docs, Gmail and Slack at once. See a quick demo here:
. Once you start using Seeker, you’ll never be able to go back to traditional search!

I got the idea to create Seeker at work - I was spending a lot of time looking for information that I couldn’t find because I didn’t know which app it was stored in. Sometimes it was a message in slack, or an email I was cc’d on. It would have saved me a lot of time (and more consistently found what I was looking for) if I could search through everything at once. Seeker works exactly like this - it connects to all your apps so you don’t have to think twice about where to search. It can also combine information from multiple apps to give you an answer to your question, such as “what are the latest updates on billing?”

I’ve been working on this for about 6 months now, and would love to get your feedback! Sign up at app.seeker.so. We also have a discord at https://discord.gg/ewnnBURDRp - would love to hear what integrations you want to see supported next.

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