Feedback + what type of website best suits this?


New member
I'm looking to start a b2b partnership service where businesses can post partnership opportunity ex: looking to work with f&b cafes to offer discount for customers in exchange for the f&b outlet featuring their products in store. The og business can then receive proposals from interested fnb company and pick all or just 1.

My question is

What kind of website is needed? What simple website can I do that will showcase what I offer before I build saas for this (unless u can suggest a readymade saas template or crm to get things going - sharetribe of saas) or can I use a simple WordPress site and post latest partnership opportunity on behalf of brands and companies? In other words, what can I do to run this without spending big money till its validated?

What monetization model? If I'm going saas route I'm thinking of subscription to access and post partnerships but to start with, if I just do a simple landing page, should I charge % for successful partnerships facilitated?

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