Fitory - Empower you to become healthier through nutrition


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The product

provides a web/mobile platform for discovering and communicating between nutritionists and potential clients. It beats emails, phone calls and text messages because every update is displayed in a timeline for both client and the expert.

It reminds a client of his meal times, diet updates from the nutritionist, special requests or questions. It also provides the nutritionist with the ability to "present" himself and obtain feedback on his work.

The market

Nutritionists and people interested in nutrition.

In the last 10 years the Fitness culture took the world by storm: Color Runs; Zumba World Events; Low Cost Gyms. it was suddenly "in" to be fit (to fit in). Little by little, this culture was incorporated into many of the activities we do today.
What it also did was open doors to a practice that has been neglected for quite some time: Nutrition.

Product analysis

Other products threat nutrition like the user is a semi-expert, who already has the basics of what good nutrition is.

The general public may have never thought about nutrition as a form of science, prevention and even cure. To you, it's just food. We help by providing you with the tools to start fiddling with your diet in a safe, organized and efficient way.


Calorie counters like MyFitnessPal and FatSecret ( and
Although they count calories there in no protocol in getting experts to help.

General bodybuilding and fitness forum (in the nutrition section). e.g.
These forums are full of "bro" science. You may get 100 different answers to a question and you never know who is really qualified to answer it.

What stage are you in?

Currently finishing mockups and aligning MVP features

Do you need money? Are you raising?

Yes, and yes. Money is not essential but it would get us to where we need to go fast since we could afford to spent more hours on it.

Customer conversion strategy

At the moment, acquired users come from nutritionists and potential clients we engage directly in exchange for feedback.

In the next 12 months we plan to present the platform to the maximum number of potential clients which can be divided in two categories: nutritionists and those who would be interested in acquiring nutrition plans.

For the first category -- nutritionists -- we plan on presenting the product to health clinics, as well as public media and nutritionist associations. We also intend to attend to events regarding health, nutrition and fitness to announce our app.

For the second category -- regular clients -- the strategy is to focus on social networks with Facebook ads, twitter ads as well as try to be a featured app in app store. Also, there are many huge communities regarding nutrition and bodybuilding/fitness.

A plan is also in the works for providing special discounts for referrals, but it is still very fresh.

How do we make money

We intent to charge a small fee for nutritionists which could be around 3$ for each client we direct to them. Other than that, model would revolve around ads and premium features.

Why you? Why are YOU the best person for this job?

Both founders come from a technical background.

As active members of nutrition communities (not only online), every day we get all types of questions: "Can you provide the contact of a good nutritionist in ?"; "Does make you fat after 6pm?". On the other, hand we know nutritionists who have no clients because they cannot be introduced. This is what led us to believe a platform is in need to bridge the gap and make it easier for both parties.