Founders, I’m offering free sales & marketing consultation


New member
Hey founders 👋

With 10+ years of sales and marketing experience, working with tech companies such as Samsung, Sony and various SaaS startups, I am offering free consulting across a range of topics to build up my consultancy experience.

If you are a founder who needs help across topics such as the below:
  • Go to market strategy
  • Product development (e.g what features do I prioritise adding?)
  • Branding
  • Storytelling
  • Sales development and playbook (B2B and B2C)
  • Marketing initiatives
  • Ad campaign design
  • Metrics & KPIs
Having worked with many founders and currently founding a SaaS startup as well, I know what it is like to get overwhelmed with which direction to take, or what to be focusing on? My aim is to simply this and bring clarity on what your short and long term goals should be.

If interested, like and reply to this post. I’ll be in touch!

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