Four months in, I’m exhausted


New member
Hi all! I’m here back after 4 months after this post was created:

Now 4 months with no salary, I’m overwhelmed. I’m the only technical founder, and we need to rely on (inefficient) dev resources from freelancers (cheaper resources). Product development was slow and buggy. And we are still circling back and forth on the product position, product vision statement and all the foundations. Fundraising timeline is being pushed back further with no clear timeline. Though I’m super impressed with my cofounders’ hassle and networking capability, there’s no coherent vision. Not sure if this is normal phase of pre seed startup or I’m down in a rabbit hole. Would love to hear other experienced founders’ thoughts.
@me247 It is "normal" for a first startup when you are all trying to figure things out. Do yourself a favor and join your local incubator. They will help you learn the ropes much quicker than if you try to learn it all by yourself.
@me247 According to my experience the first year is always brutal, either things get easier Theron or you get used to it.
My advice - don't try to over control everything, bugs will happen, production issue will happen. But if your product is good customers will come back.

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