Free: 105 Mostly Forgotten Secrets Used To Have A Blazing Head Start!


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You see most businesses fail, because they do not innovate and go with the flow, I ask you: How many businesses have failed (just look in your own country) because they did not (or too late) evolved? (such as the period when online marketing came up, some businesses stayed back, and you see what happened.)

Anyway, lets get started, my name is Yassine, from two to three years of now, I have tried to get to the top, and you can already think of it, I FAILED, really from trying football to fitness. So what I learned through this process is that maybe not everything is made for you (I like football, but I noticed it is not for me, when doing it for a living) Now I want you to look in your passion or something you want to do, do you really want it for a living? If it is YES, then hold on.

After some time, I founded E-Commerce, selling stuff on platforms, I was away, I like it till today, and I want to do it (as well as for a living), but I had a problem, NO MONEY

So, I struggled, and thought, you know what; let me learn everything about High Income Skills, and then it began.

I started learning, repeatedly, until now, I still do it, I love it, not too long ago I had already made clients.

I am here to give you every secret I know and learned from multi-millionaires.

So, If You Are Truly Committed, Here, it is, Thank me later!


#1 Sell to the heart, not the mind

People are –and stay– emotional beings. Your website needs to connect with how a consumer feels, not thinks.

We are not buying because of logic; we buy because of emotion. The client’s decision to buy is based on the emotions, and they justify it with logic. Think of something that you want to buy, a suit, laptop, anything. You have it? Ask yourself this question: Why do you want to buy it?

Maybe it is a new suit that looks good on you. But what is the real reason, ask yourself 5,6,7 times? I think if you come around it, you will see that you are buying emotions. A group of people buy because of shame. They think if they don’t own this item, they’ll look not like the rest, right? People buy because of fear. They fear if they don’t buy the item, they’ll miss out.

So, people buy because of emotions.

Selling from your heart is about becoming a sales professional who takes full responsibility for his/her results. They don’t blame other people when things go wrong, they look in themselves and determine what they could have done to make the outcome way better. It is not about blame but self-examination. Taking a true look at yourself and congratulating yourself on what you did right and planning to become stronger in the areas that you are already strong at. Selling from the Heart is the new sales economy. It’s about knowing your values and living by them, it’s about getting honest with yourself, it’s about doing the hard work to make sure you add much value to your clients

#2 Reveal your major benefit immediately

Start your web copy with a sizzling, attention-grabbing headline so the consumer can’t get away. Like this secret, it should be brief and to the point.

- Use Keywords in your listing (chrome extension:

- Title Tags

- Watch your length

- Use powerful words

Headlines are so important that a single word can impact a company dramatically. There are e-mail subject lines where one word changed the increase click-throughs by 46%.

Rates were identical and the e-mail was exactly the same for both versions, but click-throughs went up by 46% in the second. If the ad was sent to 2,000,000 e-mails, the “winning version” would lead to 17,000+ more clicks, all from changing a single word. That’s a remarkable difference that significantly impacts the bottom line.

So why are the headlines so important? It’s because they are the first lines of your whole copy that customers read. They create an instant impression that either draws readers in or pushes them far away. Even if the rest of the copy is amazing and would convince some people to buy, if the headline puts them to sleep, only a fraction of the customers who would have actually bought something will read your copy and make a purchase.

The headline alone can make or break an ad, page, or e-mail subject line. It sets the tone for the rest of the copy. If the headline pulls readers in, you’ll make definitely more sales; if not, you’ll be left wondering what happened.

The first thing you need to know is THE rule for headline writing:

The purpose of the headline is to get the first sentence read. If you hang around on copywriting long enough, you’re sure to read this rule at one point or another, because most copywriters view the headline getting potential customers to continue reading. Convincing your customers to keep reading means that the time or money you invest in your copy won’t go to full waste. So first, focus on writing a headline that pulls your customers in and compels them to read the first sentence. I recommend to look online on some serious headlines, such as, “Sell Like Crazy; How to Get As many Clients, Customers And Sales As You Can Possibly Handle” (From the book of Sabri Suby)

Here are four more rules to keep in your mind. They’re taught as the “four u’s” of headline writing by a number of copywriters.
  1. The headline should be unique.
  2. The headline should be mega-specific.
  3. The headline should convey urgency.
  4. The headline should be useful.
#3 Know your break-even point

In every promotion, you must always know where your break-even point is, figure out the percentage of visitors you need to convert in order to get your investment back in the promotion. Don’t try to paint a rosy picture. It could be done on a paper, excel doc, just get behind your cost per click, your actual clicks, cost per lead, actual leads, CPA, Sales, AVG and sales, from then you look at the total sales and costs and then just compare them.

And there you go, if you get this done good, you could make indications before you make an ad, that is game-changing.

#4 It’s the words that sell

Having a fancy picture of your product on your web site will not result in any sales. You must give your prospects a very good reason why they should do buy from you. Ask yourself:

> Does your site look professional?

> Does your web site give enough

information about your products or


> Do you have a good sales letter on

your site?

> Do you give your visitors a compelling

reason why they should come back to

your site?

> Do you develop a relationship with

your visitors before you try to sell anything?

Here is a link to some powerful words for you to use:

#5 Add value

If subscribers don’t buy from you now, they might do so eventually. Offer a free report, a free sample, a free newsletter, or free information updates so they’ll give you their email addresses and permission to contact them. Then, regularly send valuable information, offers, sales, ads, and more! It’s common to hear from new customers: “I’ve been getting your newsletter for years and figured it was time to buy.”

Remember not to spam, do it the way, you want to be informed, I get till this day so many e-mails from companies, some give twice a day. Ask yourself as a client, cold or warm, how many e-mails would I be comfortable with?

You see if I get over-informed, I just unsubscribe, and I know for sure I am not the only one.

This is because people buy from people they know, like and trust, it’s very important that the sales process establishes this relationship. Thus whilst the sales process should be repeatable, it’s also necessary to allow scaling for your sales repetitions, meaning; personalities to show that it works. That way, your sales process will become better due to this important factor that influences decisions.

#6 Make noise

Keep raising the standard of your message’s Impact

Clients have grown increasingly busy. In order to cut through the noise that is out there, your marketing efforts need to be bigger, bolder, more dramatic, more compelling, more shocking, and with a more irresistible promise today than you needed yesterday.

You could also cut the noise and sell in your rivals off-season, if you know that your concurrent sells at his best level in (let’s say) September, and his worst time is January, then why not sell in January?

Play this game smart, if you get through your components, you already won half the game, if you can beat rivals all what is left needed for you are clients.

Here is a Mind-Blowing tool you can use to scan your upper rivals

Make an account (it is now free so use it now), and get your rival URL link to their website, and paste it on the screen where it states to drop the URL, then click on further/proceed and add some more rivals, after that you get to the “workspace” go through every drop menu you can see, then note the demographics (gender, location etc…) and all the other important information, and finally see which rival is doing best, go to his landing page and make a similar landing page as his.

#7 Social proof

Consumers believe what other consumers say like a referral, a testimonial is a third

party endorsement and therefore more believable because the third party has no reason to lie. Surprisingly, hardly anyone (except savvy marketers) uses testimonials. This is your chance. Use them. They work!

I see a lot of businesses having little and old testimonials, get a lot, and ask for it.

The best are video’s made by the man/woman him/herself, if you cannot get a video ask to get an audio tape, or otherwise text, if you show the name and social media accounts, it is way more trusted.

Choose from below:
  1. Associated with your brand. A partner who promotes your brand
  2. Celebrity: Celebrity social proof is when a celebrity promotes your product/service.
  3. User: User social proof is when your users recommend your products/services based on their experiences.
  4. The wisdom of the crowd: This type of social proof is when a group of people is seen to be promoting your brand.
  5. The wisdom of your friends: This type of social proof is when people see their friends approve your product/service.
  6. Certification: This type of social proof is when you are given a stamp of approval by an authoritative figure in your industry.
#8 Target (specific) audience

Remember the “On/Off” Switch, you can market more effectively overall by targeting people that have access to the Internet in both your online and offline sales messages. All your advertising should include your website address, email, or auto-responder addresses and the email address to subscribe to your e-zine, newsletter, etc.

- Age: You don’t need to get too specific here. It won’t likely make a difference whether your average customer is 24 or 27. But knowing which decade of life your customers are in, or their generation, can be very useful.

- Location (and time zone): Where in the world do your existing customers live? In addition to understanding which geographic areas to target, this helps you figure out what hours are most important for your customer service and sales reps to be online, and when you should schedule your social ads and posts to ensure best visibility.

- Language: Don’t assume your customers speak the same language you do. And don’t assume they speak the dominant language of their (or your) current physical location. Get behind the way they speak; informal, formal etc…

- Spending power and patterns: How much money do your current customers have to spend? How do they approach purchases in your price category? Do they have specific financial concerns or preferences you need to address?

- Interests: What do your customers like to do, besides using your products or services? What Tv-shows do they watch? What other businesses do they interact with?

- Stage of life: Are your customers likely to be college students? New parents? Parents of teens? Retirees?

This comes down to the key distinction all marketers must understand between features and benefits. You can list the features of your product all day long, but no one will be convinced to buy from you unless you can explain the benefits. Features are what your product is or does. The benefits are the results. How does your product make someone’s life easier, or better, or just more interesting? Remember people buy emotions, stories or solutions.

#9 Higher prices equals Quality

Raising prices can instantly increase profits! Most professionals tend to wait too long to raise their fees because they’re afraid they’ll lose customers, clients, and business. Although that’s possible, the higher fees will help offset the effect of any lost business and you’ll be generating bigger profits on all future sales.

We are entrepreneurs, that is why I love this statement:

“No fee is too high for success, but almost every fee is too high for failure”

When the time is due to close the sale with the client, you must sound confident in your pricing. To prepare for such a moment, you should practice a lot asking for a bunch of money in front of the mirror. Film yourself and play back later. You should listen to the tone of your voice, the expression on your face, and your body language. Always keep in mind during this test that you are the client and the person speaking is the closer.

#10 Extremely Copywriting

Be an iron fist in a glove. A master copywriter sales letter has a looseness to it that hides its intent to sale. But don’t be fooled by an innocent looking letter: there’s plenty of “bait” to pull in orders like crazy — but all the hooks are completely hidden!

As you write, visualize the material you are writing about and your words will naturally fit the image. If you can see the characters, the action, the scene, the product, or whatever, then your reader will see it with you.

#11 Be a marketing genius

No, you don’t have to be the smartest, brightest, or the most knowledgeable marketer on the block. A marketing genius is the guy or gal who spends the least (time, effort, money) and earns the most.

You see, you need to invest your time, effort and money, or you will not get results. That is how the saying goes “Action is the foundational key to success”

#12 Of course! Your USP

Develop a unique selling point! Distil the most important benefit of your business down to its essence — a USP. In just a few words, your USP must answer the question, “Why should I do business with you (or buy the product/service), above all other choices I have, including doing nothing or whatever I am doing now?”

A master of none ineffective websites contain a Hodge-podge of information on many different subjects and topics. This confuses visitors and a confused mind always says, “No sale” So, sell just one lead-generating product to get them into your marketing funnel and then offer additional products afterwards…forever!

#13 Track your prospects

Become a fan of infomercials and shopping channels, I can’t think of a tougher challenge than selling products or services on TV. Not only do you have to keep the audience interested in your sales pitch, but you also must motivate them to get off the couch, pick up the phone, call, and give you money! And that’s IF they don’t simply “click” their remote control and surf away to another channel. So, watch and learn from the masters.

I recommend buying your concurrent products/services or watching their website/landing page/customer service, test them out and see what they do wrong and make sure you do not do that.

Another way of doing this is to check the worst reviews of your rivals and make sure this too, does not enter your business.

Track your competition and see where their leads come from:

Now I know you want the other 92 Secrets, before that happens, I ask you sincerely to make a quiz and see whether it fits for you to boost your company. Click the link down below and enjoy the quiz while at the end you get the full version, promised! See you.

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