Free workshop: Build a GymApp on AWS w/ chatGPT + Twilio


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A hands-on workshop on how to build a Serverless app that sends you a daily gym workout plan by using AWS Lambda, ChatGPT and Twilio

Join us on the 24th of March for the first "Wardens Assembly" 🫂 which will be a hands-on demo workshop lead by Mohamed Labouardy on how to build a Serverless application that sends you a daily gym workout plan by using AWS Lambda, ChatGPT and Twilio. 🏋️‍♀️

We'll cover the following topics:

- Build a Serverless app in Golang with AWS Lambda ⚡

- Schedule Lambda on cron expression triggers 🔀

- Connect OpenAI API with AWS Lambda 🤖

- Send SMS with Twilio API 💬

- Automate deployment with GitHub Actions ⚙️

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Event hosted on our community Discord server.

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