From a no coder to founding and building an AI SaaS product. Introducing Learn about my journey and share yours too!


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Hey there! đź‘‹ As someone who's been immersed in the world of technology, always learning of whats's new in the tech industry I took up a career in Tech from being a coder to a no coding role. After working in tech for 10+ years, Entrepreneurship happened during 4.5+ years ago. When I wanted to try out other things. I had an e-commerce website that failed during covid then I also realized doing something that's not your strength will lead to failures.

So I figured out and while exploring i came across Blockchain, Web3 trending and wanted to learn about it.But as a no coder, I found it tough to learn what's happening and found many courses failing to explain the concepts well. Then that motivated me to start an e-learning company focused on structured courses for anyone wanting to learn these technologies and understand the concept.

While I was focused on these juggling along my 9-5 job, career mentoring and content creation, I noticed a surge in AI, tools and chatbots, each offering its own set of features and capabilities.

However after trying and testing out many AI chatbots, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, a gap waiting to be filled. So,I decided to do something of my own, I co-founded an an AI SaaS venture along with a likeminded person who had the same thoughts and after 8+ months of dedication, ups, down's and hard work, tears of FOMO, lots of tech challenges including redoing everything from scratch twice, I'm thrilled to introduce an AI SaaS product that goes beyond traditional text-based chatbots.

Designed to revolutionize interactions across industries, including e-commerce platforms like Shopify and Wordpress, my product offers a unique solution to existing challenges. Whether you're a student, a small business owner ,or part of a larger enterprise, there's something for everyone.

I'm incredibly excited that we are live now!! would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and insights.

Try our product today for FREE 👇

Do you have a similar journey!! Share it below! Happy to connect!

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