From MVP to Real


New member
I have a well made, ugly, sorta heavy, but working, machine. It cost me a lot to build due to experimentation, but now I have a good working product. I also have three pre-orders (this machine is a farm tool that will be somewhere around $5000, having a few pre-orders is a big deal to me) which happened by accident when the neighboring farm saw me testing it in the field. Now I’m to the part where it needs to go from looking like Johnny 5 to a real product.

There is a significant need for a mechanical and electrical engineer to make it much better, patent attorney, marketers, labor, etc etc. People who are smarter than me, basically.

Is this a Y Combinator situation? It isn’t exactly tech. I do use machine learning to solve some image recognition needs, but nothing you can’t find on GitHub from the open source community and an Arduino handbook. At least, that’s what I used.
@drkvg Screw Y. Seems you have product, market for and customers - and that's way more than most of startups have.

Prepare a business plan, plan you cashflow and go with it!
@drkvg Why does it have to look nice? It is being used in a field for farmers not a humidifier that'll impact the decorations of the room.

Upgrade the machine (mechanical/electrical engineer) with the money you make from the one you have. If it solves a real problem the farmers will pay every time for the upgrade.
@drkvg This sounds like the start of something. YCombinator would love the grind and your work so far. So if you want to join them you should
@drkvg Hard tech startups should join YC imo, it may be slightly harder to raise for this than the typical software SAAS. Also if it solves the customer problem, the complexity is not an issue imo. Most SAAS software is like simple db wrappers & ui (carta, etc)

YC would love the fact you're in hard tech & the fact you have three customers already.
I’m hearing that YC would love hard tech, and I’m hearing that YC would hate hard tech. I am inclined to believe both 😬