Further developments on Reddit protest


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  1. Over 8000 subreddits have gone private thereby making Reddit search results on Google dysfunctional. Meaning, Reddit's protest is affecting Google's search results.
  1. The mods of some of the largest subreddits have decided to continue the protest indefinitely.
  1. In our PH group earlier this week, I pointed how Reddit has seen protests in the past. And they don't care because they know we will be back on Reddit.
A day after I shared this, we got access to a leaked memo from the CEO stating the exact thing. They believe it will pass. But here are a few things they mentioned:

a) They warned Reddit employees to not wear Reddit gear as frustrated users might approach them with hostility maybe.

b) They think this will be done till Wednesday but the protest has intensified after the memo leaked. The subreddits are going indefinitely private.

c) Reddit team is working to improve the product and provide better mod tools.

d) They acknowledged the protest is successful as they said in the memo -- "There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen."
  1. A group of Reddit users are permanently deleting all posts and comments from their profile using scripts and extensions. This is destructive and we don't recommend this.
  1. Our community is important to our members and hence we had decided to keep it open until now. However, reading the leaked memo, we are making our subreddit indefinitely restricted. You can still access past posts, but no new threads can be started.
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