Generate ideas by: Live in the future, then build what's missing


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Free AIT-Visionaire-V-0-5: new version.

AIT-Visionaire turbocharges innovation by:Analyzing problems using AI to reframe perspectives. Generating novel "what if" scenarios. Formulating strategies and prototypes. Providing inspirational nudges and creativity boosts. The result? A stream of promising opportunities and actionable next steps to drive meaningful impact. Visionaire amplifies imagination and unlocks breakthrough thinking.

I recently came across an insightful article by Paul Graham on how to get new ideas. He argues that trying to force ideas rarely works. The best ideas often come from looking at problems you encounter yourself and building something you personally need and can create.

Graham notes that Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google and Facebook all stemmed from solutions their founders built for themselves. Problem-driven ideas that few others realize are worth pursuing.

What is new.

- Give Claude room to "think" before respondingAdded ...There are cases when it can be beneficial to explicitly instruct Claude to generate extra text where it reasons through the problem.

- Also, I should note the new version now allows directly uploading PDFs to extract key ideas from - very handy!


Analyze How to Get Startup Ideas and generate idea by following Live in the future, then build what's missing.Product: Grocery Shopping App. Topic: Innovative Money-Saving Features.

Assistant:Here is a numbered list of 3 innovative, money-saving ideas for a grocery shopping app generated using the principles from How to Get Startup Ideas:

Based on the content, living in the future involves seeing opportunities from being on the leading edge of technological change. Grocery shopping is evolving online. Many shoppers care about saving money on food. Features that help users save smartly while still enjoying shopping could have demand.

Swap Squad Savings: A swap match feature that alerts users to expiring loyalty point offerings or discounts on substitute products. Connects users in real-time to "swap" virtual points and hashes, maximizing savings for all.Keywords: real-time, alerts, substitute, points, discounts, maximizing

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