Genji - control your browser like a ninja


New member
I built Genji - it’s a chrome extension that performs your tasks by controlling your browser. Just tell Genji what you want him to do, and he'll figure out the details. For example, check out a demo of Genji booking a reservation at a restaurant:

Product: Genji is an AI assistant that you can chat with to accomplish your tasks. Genji works by "seeing" what's on your screen and deciding what to do next (clicking a button, typing in text, etc.) to accomplish your task. That's why Genji can work on all websites and for all sorts of usecases.

Market: Still discovering the market. It should mostly be useful for knowledge workers looking to increase their productivity or impact. Here are a few usecases:
  • Productivity: Look up research papers and summarize them, fill in an excel sheet with data from a website, write an email, etc.
  • Software testing: Ask genji to try to use your website and report any usability or design issues.
  • Accomplish everyday tasks: book a reservation, make a purchase, sign up for an app
Roadmap: My next focus is on adding voice capability to achieve a truly hands-free experience. A few other things I’m looking to do are supporting macros so you can save rerun any repetitive tasks, and scheduling jobs.

Stage: Trying to get customers currently. I want to talk to users and understand what they would use Genji for.

Alright, now go ahead and roast my product and tell me how I’m wrong about everything :)
@skewpoint Hey folks, I worked on Genji as well. We think this tech is super cool but definitely still trying to hone in on the best use cases. Let us know what you'd use Genji for!
@skewpoint Honestly, I really like the idea of it, it removes the hassle of going through the process of looking up something or doing something on the web.

This is what I am skeptical about, the branding is truly painful, and I have no idea why you went ahead with that. Go with something tried and true. This is where you need to become a 'Great artist' and steal from the best automation, process bots.

The video added is nice, get some voice-over and your face in it too (Loom). This is a must, as at this stage you are trying to establish trust. Also, I didn't quite get how much of what was demo-ed was automated or just something you were guiding. Talk about this in the video

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