[Giveaway] Free Copywriting up to 650 words - 10 people


New member
How do you do, fellow entrepreneurs?

Are you seeking somebody who can ghostwrite:
  • An article on your blog?
  • An essay for a class?
  • An eBook?
  • Any other form of copywriting?
Then I'm your guy! As a freelance writer, I will do everything I can to make sure you get the written content that you're looking for exactly, with zero hassle or worries on your behalf. Usually my rate is $0.20/word. But today I'm going to be giving it away all completely free to 10 lucky people!

I'm willing to do copywriting completely free up to 650 words. I'm also willing to edit any document completely free up to 2000 words. Why am I doing this? Well, I could say I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart but the truth is I'm looking for future clients, and I want to prove my worth to the people of Reddit.

"But you're just some random guy on the internet!," I hear you whisper. I know, I know. But I have:
  • Amazing client references that will blow your socks off
  • Writing skills on the level of Hemingway, or Shakespeare[sup][1][/sup]
  • Perseverance, grit, and no sense of shame. I will do copywriting for anything as long as it's not blatantly illegal.
I've ghostwritten for Moss Bresnahan previously, where you can find the eBooks I wrote here: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Moss+Bresnahan

I have plenty of examples of my writing, including articles, essays, and eBooks that I've worked on. Feel free to PM me for my contact info so I can send you some samples of my work and so we can discuss any of your writing needs. I'd love to hear what you're looking to get written.

Hope to hear from you soon!


[1]: Ok, I probably won't be willing any Pulitzer prizes anytime soon, but I'd like to consider myself a decent writer compared to most of you who pay $5 for on Fiverr to write a 50,000 eBook for you.

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