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Global Sites AI is a revolutionary tool that empowers users to effortlessly create static sites in multiple languages with the help of advanced AI technology. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, this platform offers a range of features that make website localization a breeze:

Seamless Integration of i18next for Translations: Easily translate your content into multiple languages using the i18next integration, ensuring a smooth and accurate localization process.

Custom Language Switcher: A user-friendly language switcher allows visitors to navigate between different language versions of your site with ease, enhancing the overall user experience.

Sitemap and Robots.txt Generator: Automatically generate sitemaps and robots.txt files tailored to each language version of your site, optimizing search engine visibility and indexing.

Built-in HTML Validations: Ensure that your site meets industry standards with built-in HTML validations, guaranteeing a professional and error-free online presence.

With Global Sites AI, you can effortlessly expand your site from a single language to over 20 languages, reaching a global audience and maximizing your online reach. Say goodbye to the normal complexities of multilingual website development and embrace a streamlined solution that empowers you to create dynamic and engaging sites in multiple languages.

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