[GMB Day 1 Post 1] 2 Weeks into Business Idea. 1st Day posting project on GMB 4 days until pitching to potential investors


New member
I'm in a pre-accelerator and will be for 3 more months. I would love to get this subreddit going and get some feedback while providing some. People may be even able to go back and reference them in the future if done well enough.

I had an idea to post everyday what I am doing and how it is going.

I will post EVERYTHING about my business, progress, revenues, etc. I just started so I don't even have a name. I just pivoted and my program requires me to pitch to a group this week.

This is where I am now.

Does anyone have any thoughts? Any strong objections to doing this?

If I get no moderator protest in couple hours I'll post [GMB Day 1 Post 2] and put my business idea, potential business names, and the slides I'm going to use for my presentation. My presentation doesn't have to be perfect but I have 3 minutes to explain at least the basics.

Let me know guys. This would be an awesome project if there was some traction.

EDIT: If anyone is interested, I made my own subreddit /r/frugaljar for my progress.
@nekiera I'll be asking feedback throughout. I messaged the mod and am waiting to hear back. I was thinking we could do this for a business or 2 every few cycles. Good use of this sub. Thoughts?
@nekiera That's cool. I'd just like to hear feedback about the idea of choosing say 2-3 companies and having an entire community advise them for about 4 months. I think think that could be interesting. Feel free to down vote me if this is unsatisfactory or up vote and leave your thoughts
@mamaafrica My opinion: Don't do it. It's not that it's a bad idea, it's just not the right channel for success for what you are proposing (imho). You should create your own sub where you are the moderator. That's how I'm seeing other founders grow their base. Cheers.
@613jono I decided not to do it for myself because i'd rather help start this process and see something like this continuously and have the whole community involved. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Pro and cons.

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