gNoclu 2.0 - netflix for restaurants (re-post)


New member
Hello, I just finished the beta version of my APP (gNoClu) and I am trying to gather as many feedbacks and constructive criticisms as I can get.

Currently is in the Android store and I am awaiting for apple to approve it .. usually it takes up to 9 days to get it approved, so stay tuned.

My idea is simple, many of us are always wondering "what do you want to eat?" and the conversation starts with friends or family of "I don't like this" or "I don't like that" etc... gNoClu tries to help solve that dilemma. It uses machine learning to figure out if you will like a restaurant based on your previous preferences. You can also create multiple profiles, one for yourself, one for you and family, one for you and your co-workers, etc... then once selected the results shown will be based on the preferences for that profile.

Currently I am running on a development server, very low ram and low CPU power, but once that will be ready for production I will upgrade the whole thing to probably google or amazon cloud to be able to handle more data.

Also I haven't imported all the cities yet, I have a script in the background running importing data from various sources. If you don't find anything right away please let me know and I will prioritize your city import.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, this is still under development and I am looking opinions. IT IS NOT PERFECT YET, far from it.
I am also looking into building the following features into it:
  • map view
  • category search (not just menu), I.E.: Italian, Mexican, etc...
  • shared profiles, you can join profiles with others, and together find the best place