Go and call. Connect the internet to your phone number


New member

I’m reaching you out again here on Reddit :)

We are building the service and we really need the feedback and the advice.

The service is quite simple:

1 - You are adding the phone number to the system

2 - You are associating the link with the number (for example https://goandcall.me/c/somename).

3 - You can now send the link to anyone. Put it on the website. Just say it to someone.

The one who has the link can now call you directly from the website under the URL. Without any additional software. Without any other tools. It works out of the box with the web browser. Honestly, some of the old versioned browsers do not support it. But we did test it even on mobile browsers with iOS and Android.

The benefits:
  • It is so much more easy to reach you from the abroad
  • You can track who is calling you
  • You will get the calls from your local number
  • It is free for the callers
  • You can hide your number
  • You can replace the number with another one with the same link
  • You will be able to gather analytics of the caller
  • You can create the simple call center for cheap
It is now live you can come and try it for free without any credit card or something. https://goangcall.me

It is very simple right now but we are planning to add more features:
  • Analytics
  • Widgets for the websites
  • Projects to combine multiple numbers
  • Create the schedule for the numbers or links in order to manage availability
  • Many more
We currently need the feedback and any advice that you have!

Feel free to ping me with any kind of issues! (support@goandcall.me or here on comments\dm)

Thank you so much!
@theflower What's wrong with Google Voice, which is free?

You have a lot of words here about what it does. Nothing about what it can do for me or why I need it. Your website is even more vague except that you charge money for it.
@runestar Hello!

1) Google voice requires a plugin.

2) Google voice doesn't let your customers call your phone for free.

3) You can't simply let someone call you with google voice it requires:

-- An app

-- A plugin

-- Google account from both sides (I can be wrong here)
@theflower You are super quick to answer my objection based on assumptions rather than taking 2 minutes to look it up. And you didnt say why I need your product. Never mind the product. This is a red flag on you. Its just lazy.

You must think I am the only one who would ask this stuff. You might be right, others wont ask, they will just bounce. I think you should do more research on your competition and come up with a USP that holds water.

1- no plugin is needed to use Google voice
2-i can get calls in a number of ways and there is no extra charge for inbound calls. Outbound I think there is but I dont use it for that so I would have to look.
3-you dont need a google account to call a GVoice number. You dont need an app. It just forwards.
@runestar Thanks for the answer one more time!

So, let me describe it with some specific case.

I do leave abroad. And I used to buy some goods for the parents from the online shops from the country they live.

If I have some issues with the online retailers I prefer to call them in order to solve the issue. It is usually hard to do that: I need to put money on my skype\google-talk account and call them. It also requires me to installing plugins (for google talk) or skype. As a customer, I do not want to pay for the customer support. I do not want to install something. I just want to click and call.

Another case.

I sent this link to my mother and despite the fact that we usually talk via Telegram - she calls me with the link when she can't reach me via other messengers.

Another case.

You are running the dropship business from your cozy village. You ship goods all around the world. You do want to have a simple solution to make the customer support with your own number but do not want to expose it. So feel free to hide it behind the link. And disable the link during your non-working hours.

Another case.

You are the small startup with the distributed team. You want to have a dev-on-call duty. So just add the developer's number to some link and give it to the customer support guys.


What do you think?

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