Google Penguin 4.0 Update! Why is nobody talking about this yet... (X-POST r/ Entrepreneur)


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Hi guys,

Frequent contributor of r/Entrepreneur and long-time lurker of r/Startups here. I own a marketing agency, and there's some pretty industry-specific news that has recently hit that is making big waves for all of my clients' websites. Google released it's new Panda 4.0 Algorithm, and it is really making a large visible impact on their rankings. I have seen some website traffic double within the last week, and I have seen some traffic get cut into less than half.

Because nobody is talking about it, I wrote about it. And because I'm not a dirty rotten spammer, I've formatted my blog post conveniently for y'all to enjoy.

I'd love to hear r/Startup's thoughts on this.

Google's Big Penguin 4.0 Update is Here!​

Our clients have been seeing significant changes in their SEO rankings this month. Google was silent, but we knew something big was coming.

Sure enough, as of September 23, 2016, the final update of Google’s Penguin Algorithm was officially announced.

And it has serious significance for you if you’re using SEO as a marketing strategy.

What is Google Penguin?

From 2011 to 2013, Google released three algorithms code-named Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird.

The object was to penalize websites using black-hat SEO tactics (tactics that violate Google’s Best Practices) by decreasing their search engine rankings.

The Penguin Algorithm dealt specifically with unnatural backlinks, which affected 3.1% of all search results. The goal of Penguin was to ensure that the highest quality websites rank at the top of search results.

Penguin 4.0 -- Updates In Real Time

After much waiting and a few false alarms, Penguin 4.0 is finally here! And it is said to be the final update. Why? Because Penguin is now REAL TIME.

Google stated yesterday that Penguin is now part of their core algorithm, which means that every time they recrawl or reindex a page, it is refreshed in the Penguin algorithm as well.

Because it’s constantly refreshing, there will no longer be another web-wide update. This also means Google will not be “confirming” updates, because they’ll be happening constantly.

"With this change, Penguin's data is refreshed in real time, so changes will be visible much faster, typically taking effect shortly after we recrawl and reindex a page." - Gary Illyes, Google Search Ranking Team

Penguin 4.0 -- Ranking is More "Granular"

Google also says that Penguin 4.0 is more “granular.” What does that even mean?

Actually, there’s quite a bit of debate on that. Here’s their statement:

Penguin is now more granular. Penguin now devalues spam by adjusting ranking based on spam signals, rather than affecting ranking of the whole site.

Originally, many thought this meant that ranking was affected on a page-by-page basis, however, John Mueller from Google has rebutted this by stating that, “It affects finer granularity than sites. It does not mean it only affects pages.”

It seems we’ll just have to see how things play out in order to fully grasp the ramifications of this more “granular” approach.

However, we can assume that whatever it is, this Penguin update is meant to treat sites with far more scrutiny, operating at a “finer” level of catching spam signals.

What Does 4.0 Mean for Your SEO?

This is good news for those looking to recover from a Penguin penalty.

Up until now, websites that were penalized by Penguin for their links remained so for months, and in some cases, over a year. Now, site rankings will decrease or increase much faster. (Author's note: This is amazing for people that have disavowed links to recover from a spam penalty in the past)

On the other hand, it means that those of us in the SEO game must be more vigilant in maintaining the quality of our backlinks. Rankings could drop overnight if we don’t stay on top of things.

What if Your SEO Ranking Dropped?

This question may have some serious implications for your SEO Marketing provider if your SEO ranking took a sharp downturn this month. If you’ve experienced a significant drop in ranking, it may be due to Black Hat SEO tactics being used by your SEO marketing team.

But before you go firing your team, you need to consider their tactics. It is quite possible that a team you used long ago is now coming back to haunt you. If this is you, then you will need to disavow your spammy links, which can be identified through your Google Webmaster Tools console.

However, if your current SEO team is producing spammy links, or even worse – if you’ve lost ranking and they’ve been keeping their tactics a secret from you for this whole time, we’d recommend switching companies.

If your SEO team hasn’t adjusted their strategies by now, then you’re going to fall behind if you don’t start up with a company that has been working hard to stay ahead of the Google Penguin curve.

View the original post here in all of it's well-formatted glory.
@macbosch As @neysonclark79 says, that is not correct. Links tend to be about 90% of SEO, whereas content, along with all the other signals, are squeezed into that final 10%.
@mickiel Content is the number 1 ranking factor, but that doesn't necessarily outrank your peers on its own - it groups you together more than anything. Dentists in San Diego will all have somewhat similar content (in a general sense), which will have completely different content than Self Storage companies in New York.

The ones with decent content make up the "competition" on Google. Beyond that, Google has said the top differentiator is a site's link profile. The best back links are really time consuming and tough to get, which separate the good SEO firms from the bad in the end. Therefore, back links are really #1 in SEO.

Happy to give a more detailed answer or expand somewhere if desired :) Thx for the shoutout @mickiel
@sdabeliever Is often only "plagiarized" from a collegiate point of view. On the interwebz, they call it "curated" content... If duplicate content is found, it is the original source that Google found first that gets the most ranking.

Duplicate content can hurt a site's ranking, but from what I understand it is typically duplicate meta tags, page content, etc. within the same domain. Copying content from another website is more likely to land you in legal trouble than penalized by Google.

Of course, I predict this will change and duplicate content will start to be heavily devalued and potentially punishing to a site's rank. This is based on the enormous amount of guest posting of "curated" content going on.
@neysonclark79 No, on the content is flat-out plagiarized. Images copy/pasted without permission/attribution. Articles copy/pasted without attribution. All done so users can earn revenue for content they are posting as their own. Curated content tends to be snippets/links clearly pointing to the source. Appreciate your reply. Hope you are correct in your prediction that duplicate content eventually gets devalued. Maybe will learn that leaving plagiarized content live on your site isn't a good thing.
@macbosch But that isn't true really - not if you want to rank for competitive keywords. You need a strong external back linking strategy in place or there is little hope.

It's much more about hard work than the "5 secret silver bullet ranking tricks that Google hates," but it still takes skill to get links from great places.
@rackfinity017 For Reddit at large? Or for your company?

Generally, you can get valuable back-links through local directory listings, analyzing your top-ranked competition with Alexa for where their best links are located and try to get those, and there is more complex outreach-based techniques that basically boil down to guest-posting on high quality niche sites related to yours. There are more advanced techniques like finding broken links and "suggesting" they replace it with some related content that you've done, contributing to sites like Wikipedia, eHow, Forbes, etc. for an author's bio back-link, and more. Just a few back-links like this can make a significant difference in the ranking of your website content -- "great content" with many highly authoritative websites linking to it is always going to rank better.

Just stay away from paying off-shore (read: India-based) companies to build back-links for you for cheap... That's less than worthless nowadays.
Google will likely hit them with a manual penalty eventually. I do not see their business model working for too long. As their notoriety grows, Google will notice. And I am sure Google already HAS noticed and that we'll be seeing steps taken within the next few months.

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